- Name: Subsurface
- Version: 0.0.3
- Factorio-Version: 0.12.22
- Description: build stuff underneath your base
- License: MIT
- Release: 01/23/16
- Download-Url:
- Dependencies: none !
- Github repository : https://github.com/stanfear/FactorioMod-Subsurface.git
this mod in its current state could break and corrupt your game,
and is really not balanced
use only if curious
Long description :
dig tunnels underneath your base, use the new gained space to put your trains and never again get run over by one, then, dig tunnels underneath the tunnels and use the many layers to your adventage !
move items from the subsurface to your base with "fancy" elevators !
go to the subsurface and back with player elevators !
send signals from your factory to your underground train station !
move pollution from subsurface to surface using active or passive air-vents (active drain subsurface from pollution and put it on the surface, passive equalize pollution between surfaces)
take damage if you stay undergroud for too long when the air is poluted,
and more soon !
Picture (no cool gfx for now but still !)
drilling (in progress, paused, and recipe)

the elevator (surface and subsurface (with a glance at the invisible wall used to digg the underground)

the two kinds of air vents (passive is 1x1, active is 2x2 and need power to work)

transportation from surface to subsurface

the underground expanded a little (and map)

the mobile borer

the electric consumption (linked between the surfaces)

Why the mod ?
well... when the factorio version adding surfaces management came out, I always kept thinking how cool it would be to be able to have trains go underground for a bit (like ... under the base to go to the station)
so, this was a cool idea and all but I had never made a mod, and a few weeks ago, I decided to try, so there is a really early version of a mod that allows to travel to a subsurface (or a basement) of the base.
the only thing is, ... as far as I know, there is no way to take a train and put it on other rails and, no way to tell the pathfinder that there is a path through one of my entity. so trains going underground mid-way is not for naw
Current features
new Fluids elevator : Get your liquids from the top surface to your tunnels !
new Independant items elevator: Finaly, you can take your items up and down a level without having to build a whole elevator shaft
- create a drill to dig a hole to the subsurface
- replace the drill with an elevator when the hole is done
- move items from one surface to another using a item elevator, aka a fancy belt
- share the same electrical network on the surface and subsurface
- change the surface you're on by simply stepping near the player elevator (that giant pole ...)
- expand the place you have underground by digging the walls
- air vents to move polution up one level (active (which require power) and passive (which bring the two surfaces pollution to the same amount))
- player take damage when there is too much polution in a subsurface
- subsurfaces to all surfaces (including subsurfaces)
- motorised drill to expand the underground "faster"
new automated drilling ! finally
you can already test it by using this command in game :
be aware that it is a HUGE drain on the CPU as it is (to the point that it can be impossible to play), Optimisations are comming !Code: Select all
/c remote.call("subsurface", "activate_automated_boring")
if you try this out, Tell me what you think about it !
Future features (planned)- textures ! (need help there ! (I now have a thread in texture requests : https://forums.factorio.com/forum/viewtop ... 15&t=19315))
- technologie requirements
- correct recipe for drilling machine
- known bugs fixed
- improved and optimized code
- localized names for all entity
- supports to consolidate the surface ground and avoid collapsings
- ability to have collapsings
- link rails from surface to subsurface (and vice-versa)
- automated item elevator upgrade when surrounded by higher tier belts
- any suggestion ?
- may not work with a loaded game which already uses the mod
- tell me !
simply because I want to have other people's opinions on what I have made so far, and what I could do (and why not how