[WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base

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[WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

  • Name: Subsurface
  • Version: 0.0.3
  • Factorio-Version: 0.12.22
  • Description: build stuff underneath your base
  • License: MIT
  • Release: 01/23/16
  • Download-Url:
    - added fluid elevator !!
    - added missing locals
    - updated air-vent gfx (thanks to Yuoki !)
    - added independent items elevator
    - changed gfx of ground and walls (thanks to y.petremann)
    - started working on automated diggin, but since it makes the game really laggy, it is disabled by default, can be activated using /c remote.call("subsurface", "activate_automated_boring")
    -fixed several bugs
    (3.94 MiB) Downloaded 1632 times
  • Dependencies: none !
  • Github repository : https://github.com/stanfear/FactorioMod-Subsurface.git
this mod in its current state could break and corrupt your game,
and is really not balanced
use only if curious

Long description :

dig tunnels underneath your base, use the new gained space to put your trains and never again get run over by one, then, dig tunnels underneath the tunnels and use the many layers to your adventage !
move items from the subsurface to your base with "fancy" elevators !
go to the subsurface and back with player elevators !
send signals from your factory to your underground train station !
move pollution from subsurface to surface using active or passive air-vents (active drain subsurface from pollution and put it on the surface, passive equalize pollution between surfaces)
take damage if you stay undergroud for too long when the air is poluted,

and more soon !

Picture (no cool gfx for now but still !)

drilling (in progress, paused, and recipe)

the elevator (surface and subsurface (with a glance at the invisible wall used to digg the underground)

the two kinds of air vents (passive is 1x1, active is 2x2 and need power to work)

transportation from surface to subsurface

the underground expanded a little (and map)

the mobile borer

the electric consumption (linked between the surfaces)

Why the mod ?
well... when the factorio version adding surfaces management came out, I always kept thinking how cool it would be to be able to have trains go underground for a bit (like ... under the base to go to the station)
so, this was a cool idea and all but I had never made a mod, and a few weeks ago, I decided to try, so there is a really early version of a mod that allows to travel to a subsurface (or a basement) of the base.
the only thing is, ... as far as I know, there is no way to take a train and put it on other rails and, no way to tell the pathfinder that there is a path through one of my entity. so trains going underground mid-way is not for naw

Current features
  • :!: new Fluids elevator : Get your liquids from the top surface to your tunnels !
  • :!: new Independant items elevator: Finaly, you can take your items up and down a level without having to build a whole elevator shaft
  • create a drill to dig a hole to the subsurface
  • replace the drill with an elevator when the hole is done
  • move items from one surface to another using a item elevator, aka a fancy belt
  • share the same electrical network on the surface and subsurface
  • change the surface you're on by simply stepping near the player elevator (that giant pole ...)
  • expand the place you have underground by digging the walls
  • air vents to move polution up one level (active (which require power) and passive (which bring the two surfaces pollution to the same amount))
  • player take damage when there is too much polution in a subsurface
  • subsurfaces to all surfaces (including subsurfaces)
  • motorised drill to expand the underground "faster"
In the crate (and being worked on)
  • :!: new automated drilling ! finally :D you can already test it by using this command in game :

    Code: Select all

    /c remote.call("subsurface", "activate_automated_boring")
    be aware that it is a HUGE drain on the CPU as it is (to the point that it can be impossible to play), Optimisations are comming !
    if you try this out, Tell me what you think about it !

    Future features (planned) Future features (maybe)
    • supports to consolidate the surface ground and avoid collapsings
    • ability to have collapsings
    • link rails from surface to subsurface (and vice-versa)
    • automated item elevator upgrade when surrounded by higher tier belts
    • any suggestion ?
    Known bugs
    • may not work with a loaded game which already uses the mod
    • tell me !
simply because I want to have other people's opinions on what I have made so far, and what I could do (and why not how :D ), and because having this mod being out there will definetly help me stay interested in continuing it !
- added fluid elevator !!
- added missing locals
- updated air-vent gfx (thanks to Yuoki !)
- added independent items elevator
- changed gfx of ground and walls (thanks to y.petremann)
- started working on automated diggin, but since it makes the game really laggy, it is disabled by default, can be activated using /c remote.call("subsurface", "activate_automated_boring")
-fixed several bugs
(3.94 MiB) Downloaded 1632 times
older versions
Last edited by StanFear on Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:24 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Rockstar04 »

This is very cool, Going to play with now.

EDIT: Quick playing around, deleting the drill or the elevator throw an error and kick you back to the new map screen.
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

Rockstar04 wrote: deleting the drill or the elevator throw an error and kick you back to the new map screen.
ok the first issue (deleting the drill) I understand, reproduced and know why it happens (I was to eager to upload the mod, I didn't check if everything was working correctly)
the second one, deleting the elevator, I can't reproduce, is it the subsurface one or the surface one (the one leading up or down) ? and is it doing something special when you delete it ? (like moving items or something ?)

EDIT : ok, the first issue has been solved, still can't recreate the secound one ...
the fix will be in the next version I release (probably when I have the polution stuff done
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Rockstar04 »

Sorry, Elevator was the wrong term, tunnel entrance is the actual item. I assume this is a entity used by the mod to create the "elevator" and probably should not have a recipe (to remove it from the crafting screen)

Here is an Imgur gallery with the details https://imgur.com/a/AHnm4
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

Rockstar04 wrote:Sorry, Elevator was the wrong term, tunnel entrance is the actual item. I assume this is a entity used by the mod to create the "elevator" and probably should not have a recipe (to remove it from the crafting screen)

Here is an Imgur gallery with the details https://imgur.com/a/AHnm4

oh yeah, I compltetely forgot to remove the recipe ... they should not be made manually ... I'll remove this recipe in the next release too !
(this item was only meant to test the mod before I added the drill ...
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Rockstar04 »

I see that getting the mod onto GitHub is a todo, I would love to help out with some of the tasks
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by kiba »

No dirt to contend with?
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Dr. Walrus »

I just tried it out today. I had the same problems as Rockstar04. Gameplay wise my surface drillers never went past displaying "stabilizing hole" and I couldn't get underground. Also I'd recommend using a 5x5 sprite for the drillers if you are going to use a 5x5 collision box, even if you just steal the oil refinery sprites or resize the assembly machine sprites.

Also you are missing this from you locale file

Code: Select all

surface-driller=Surface driller
surface-driller=Surface driller
Sorry if I'm coming off harsh on you without any actual solutions but from your post this looks like a really neat mod and a good use of surface control. Keep up the good work cause I want to see the finished product!
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

Rockstar04 wrote:I see that getting the mod onto GitHub is a todo, I would love to help out with some of the tasks
well, I'm having quite a lot of fun codding this, it would be selfish to kep the fun to myself only, but .... it'll get to github sometime, for now though, I know how most of the features I want to add need to be codded. I think I'll add it to a repo when all those features are done, if you have suggestions before that on the code though, just write here, or cend me a PM with the changes you want to make (not version friendly, I know but, I'm too much in the code to try to understand github right now)
kiba wrote:No dirt to contend with?
What do you mean by that ? having dirt pop out of the drill ? it actually happens, it just doesn't wait for the drill to be empty before switching it to a tunnel entrance.

Dr. Walrus wrote:I just tried it out today. I had the same problems as Rockstar04. Gameplay wise my surface drillers never went past displaying "stabilizing hole" and I couldn't get underground. Also I'd recommend using a 5x5 sprite for the drillers if you are going to use a 5x5 collision box, even if you just steal the oil refinery sprites or resize the assembly machine sprites.

Also you are missing this from you locale file

Code: Select all

surface-driller=Surface driller
surface-driller=Surface driller
Sorry if I'm coming off harsh on you without any actual solutions but from your post this looks like a really neat mod and a good use of surface control. Keep up the good work cause I want to see the finished product!
for the same problem as Rockstar04, do you mean when you manually build a tunnel-entrance and then remove it ?
-> it's been fixed in the current build I'm working on

about the stabilizing hole, I ran into this issue myself when testing the air-vents from the next version, it seems to be happenning when the drill is not in an area of 2 chucks around position {0,0}, I might have an idea of why this happens though, and is pretty much the only reason I didn't release a new version yet

also, about useing appropriate sized sprites, you are totaly right, I just don't have anther picture editor software than paint and have an internet connection so bad that I can't afford to download something like gimp or paint.net (I know paint can be powerfull sometimes, but I'm afraid I don't know how to use it !) but ... you are right, I could use other entity's sprite !

as to the missing entries in the local file, I know they should be there, but since I havn't decided on final names for any of the entities, I have decided not to give them a name until final, and since it is not that disturbing to play without, I'd rather not have people expecting to find a name the day I change them.

and to finish, about being harsh, you're not, getting replies like this is the exact reason I put my mod in the WIP subforum !! so I should say thank you !
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Airat9000 »

good mod!

;) It would be nice to come up in a dungeon more space and the possibility of expanding ie open cells is damaged as a bomb shelter really?
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Dr. Walrus »

StanFear wrote:for the same problem as Rockstar04, do you mean when you manually build a tunnel-entrance and then remove it ?
-> it's been fixed in the current build I'm working on

about the stabilizing hole, I ran into this issue myself when testing the air-vents from the next version, it seems to be happenning when the drill is not in an area of 2 chucks around position {0,0}, I might have an idea of why this happens though, and is pretty much the only reason I didn't release a new version yet

also, about useing appropriate sized sprites, you are totaly right, I just don't have anther picture editor software than paint and have an internet connection so bad that I can't afford to download something like gimp or paint.net (I know paint can be powerfull sometimes, but I'm afraid I don't know how to use it !) but ... you are right, I could use other entity's sprite !

as to the missing entries in the local file, I know they should be there, but since I havn't decided on final names for any of the entities, I have decided not to give them a name until final, and since it is not that disturbing to play without, I'd rather not have people expecting to find a name the day I change them.

and to finish, about being harsh, you're not, getting replies like this is the exact reason I put my mod in the WIP subforum !! so I should say thank you !
I tried it out within 2 chunks of the origin and its working for me now. That's a goofy bug right there, you'd need someone who knows modding better than me to figure that one out. I got another error when i mined a tunnel entrance while underground and i was about to be teleported. I didn't get an error when i mined the thing, but as soon as the the teleporting bar finished I got an error. If the tunnel entrance a separate entity from the one above ground you can just make it not minable, that way people wont get stuck underground either.

Here's the link for a blown up version of the assembly machine so that it now fits in a 5x5 space. its a little fuzzy buts its a good placeholder until YuokiTani finds this thread and makes you a beautiful, watercolor, hand-rendered excavator machine

This is the sprite data for it to animate properly

Code: Select all

animation =
      filename = "__Subsurface__/graphics/entities/big-assembly.png",
      width = 165,
      height = 170,
      frame_count = 32,
      line_length = 8,
      shift = {0.417, -0.167}
Last edited by Dr. Walrus on Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by aka13 »

The mod does look great, keep up the work!
Pony/Furfag avatar? Opinion discarded.
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

Dr. Walrus wrote: I tried it out within 2 chunks of the origin and its working for me now. That's a goofy bug right there, you'd need someone who knows modding better than me to figure that one out. I got another error when i mined a tunnel entrance while underground and i was about to be teleported. I didn't get an error when i mined the thing, but as soon as the the teleporting bar finished I got an error. If the tunnel entrance a separate entity from the one above ground you can just make it not minable, that way people wont get stuck underground either.

Here's the link for a blown up version of the assembly machine so that it now fits in a 5x5 space. its a little fuzzy buts its a good placeholder until YuokiTani finds this thread and makes you a beautiful, watercolor, hand-rendered excavator machine

This is the sprite data for it to animate properly

Code: Select all

animation =
      filename = "__Subsurface__/graphics/entities/big-assembly.png",
      width = 165,
      height = 170,
      frame_count = 32,
      line_length = 8,
      shift = {0.417, -0.167}

well, the bug about being stuck at stabilizing hole is now solved (in the next release version)
issue explanation
I was going to release the new version when I saw your post but I might fix the "mining the entrance when being teleported" bug before that ... (and use your resized picture)

also, making the entrance unminable from the underground is something I thought of, but for now it'll stay like that and at some point I'll check when removing if this is the last entrance (exit) and if so, transport the player to the surface. (but yes, I could set the exit to be unminable as the entrance and exit are two differents entities
until YuokiTani finds this thread and makes you a beautiful, watercolor, hand-rendered excavator machine
well, ... yeah :D I hope he will (though the chances will be higher when I'll have made a threat in textures requests ^^)

aka13 wrote:The mod does look great, keep up the work!
well, thank you very much, and I will :)
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

new version available : 0.0.2
download on original post

changelog :

Code: Select all

version 0.0.2 :
  - removed possibility to create manually a tunnel entrance
  - fixed deletting the drill would cause an error
  - fixed that surface driller would stay stuck at "stabilizing hole" if build more than 2 chunks away from starting position
  - changed surface driller sprite to have a 5x5 tiles wide sprite (still only a placeholder though)
  - added air-vents (active and passive) which move polution from subsurface to surface (and vice versa for passive)
  - made sure items elevator in tunnel elevator can't be mined or rotated
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

Airat9000 wrote:good mod!

;) It would be nice to come up in a dungeon more space and the possibility of expanding ie open cells is damaged as a bomb shelter really?
thank you ! and sorry, I did not see your post ("view first unread post" brought me to the next page ?)
I don't really understand what you mean... you want dungeons underground ? (the rest I have no idea, english is not my native language so maybe I just am not good enough to understand but ... can you be more clear about what you mean ?)
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by kiba »

You need terrifying underground borers.....and GIANT TUNNEL BORING MACHINES!
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by StanFear »

kiba wrote:You need terrifying underground borers..
hum ... A was kindof thinking of the subsurface as a non threatening area (except for polution that hurt when breathed)
but who knows, maybe at some point !
actually, I have thought about how to have such a machine, I have not yet found a solution that satisfies me.
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Alukat »

Mod is a nice idea :D

As it goes for underground warfare:
maybe a tunnel digging worm that has every 60 (or so) minutes a 10%-chance to dig to the surface?
If your underground-base is connected to the worms tunnel and it digs to the surface, then the underground pollution gets to the surface, spreading there and maybe aggroing biter/spitter camps. The biters/spitter then use the worm-made tunnel entrance to raid your underground base. That'd be pretty cool :D
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Dr. Walrus »

I found that if you try to load a map the already has another surface created besides the default one, the mod will show an error when you try to load the map.

If you create a new world, type this into the console, save it, and then try to reload the game, the mod gives an error.

Code: Select all

/c game.create_surface("another-surface")
specifically it says this:
Unknown key:"Error while running the on_load: __Subsurface__/control.lua:596: attempt to index global 'game' (a nil value)"
Last edited by Dr. Walrus on Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [WIP][Mod 0.12.last] Subsurfaces : build beneath your base

Post by Airat9000 »

StanFear wrote:
Airat9000 wrote:good mod!

;) It would be nice to come up in a dungeon more space and the possibility of expanding ie open cells is damaged as a bomb shelter really?
thank you ! and sorry, I did not see your post ("view first unread post" brought me to the next page ?)
I don't really understand what you mean... you want dungeons underground ? (the rest I have no idea, english is not my native language so maybe I just am not good enough to understand but ... can you be more clear about what you mean ?)
more undegraund space and idea

geotermal energy (limited resource and 2 resourсe )

so that if there is a problem it would be possible to use the energy and underground resources such as iron , bob mod and other. if the enemy is permissible to break the base and then get out and kick their ass
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