the game launches just fine, i can even place done the train.
BUT, it wont work(it wont get electricity, although it clearly is in the radius of an pole), and when i press the button to open the inventory, the game crashed.
is this possible?
Code: Select all
type = "locomotive",
name = "diesel-locomotive",
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/diesel-locomotive.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid"},
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "diesel-locomotive"},
max_health = 1000,
corpse = "medium-remnants",
collision_box = {{-0.6, -2.6}, {0.9, 2.6}},
selection_box = {{-0.7, -2.5}, {1, 2.5}},
drawing_box = {{-1, -4}, {1, 3}},
weight = 2000,
max_speed = 1.2,
max_power = 10,
braking_force = 10,
friction_force = 0.0015,
-- this is a percentage of current speed that will be substracted
air_resistance = 0.002,
connection_distance = 3.3,
joint_distance = 4.6,
inventory_size = 12,
energy_source =
type = "electric",
input_priority = "secondary"
energy_usage_per_tick = 1,
pictures =
priority = "very-low",
frame_width = 346,
frame_height = 248,
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 256,
filenames =
line_length = 4,
lines_per_file = 8,
shift = {0.9, -0.45}
rail_category = "regular"