It has no limits on many research categories, namely, weapons, shields, armor, hulls etc.

it should be noted that further Improvements do tend to decrease as you continue to advance up the levels.
But It's interesting how this adds to your choices and blurs the linear parts of the tech tree, you could level up an early weapon and skip the next tier, or do just the minimum leveling required and quickly go up tiers until you see one you like better.
one pitfall I noticed, is you could paint yourself into a corner.
for instance, I remember spamming the heck out of low tier depleted uranium railguns research. Then when other higher tier weapons came along, I had to make a choice, continue on making my high level railguns even more OP, or research newer, but not as strong (yet) weapons and hope they surpass my railguns.
In one game I stuck with my railguns and for a time, no one could match me, but then after a while I ran into aliens who teched up a higher tier weapon that outmatched my own!
in later games, I researched early tier railguns sufficiently, and then invested more heavily in others as they came available, sometimes focusing on just one final weapon, or a few, or all of them.
have any of you folks played space empires V, or other games with similar limitless upgrade/research options, what's your opinion on them?