0.7.1 'God Mode' attacks

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Long Handed Inserter
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0.7.1 'God Mode' attacks

Post by midnight109 »

The Sandbox mode says the mobs wont atk on thier own, and setting the map settings to also be free from atks, dosent always work. For some reason I get random groups of bitters that will come in to the base and just start eating things like belts miners and inserters galor. The problem with it is that in GodMode, I dont have weapons >.> So it falls on needing towers down to do all the defense. This presents a large problem though when they start spawning thier worm/turrents within your base area since you cant really atk them with no weapons on your own and placeing turrents down by the time thier loaded thier usually blown apart. The attacks does seem to still be related to the pollution on the map and cutting down the polution does seem to prevent the atks
Maybe in God Mode set it so that Pollution just dosent exisit or spread on its own at all?
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Re: 0.7.1 'God Mode' attacks

Post by Dakkanor »

it sounds more like the over agressive enemy base epansion issue, within what the biters see as THEIR base they'll attack any man made object regardless, this is combined with the fact that there is no way to remove player locations from the expansion candidates it means creepers will make a base then tear everything apart
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Re: 0.7.1 'God Mode' attacks

Post by kovarex »

when you don't want them to attack you the sandbox mode you can check the peaceful mode.
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