- Name: ScienceCostTweaker
- Latest Release: v0.15.1, 2017-May-02
- Factorio Version: 0.15.x
- Download: Via ingame mod installation / mod portal
- License: GPL.
- Dependencies: Base game only. Other dependencies are optional and purely to ensure load order.
- Tags: Technology, Difficulty, Game Length
- Author: UberWaffe
- Contact: Github Project
Long Description:
This mod can be used as a simple alternative to marathon mod. It increases science costs significantly (4x to 9x depending on tier) - you need bigger factory to feed your science labs. Science also now has its own dedicated production lines and intermediate products. No more making science packs from conveyor belts and inserters! Comes with flavor text (at least in English, no other localization done yet), giving a bit more feasible explanations as to how these are used in adapting technology to the alien world.
New tiers or labs are also enabled by default, mainly making them more energy hungry, forcing you to expand your energy infrastructure as well.
The config file has multiple options that can be easily enabled or disabled as well, making it as customizable as possible.
Want the new production chains and science labs but no increase to science costs?
Code: Select all
sciencecosttweaker.options.sciencePackConfig = "vanilla"
sciencecosttweaker.options.difficultyCost = "noadjustment"
Code: Select all
sciencecosttweaker.options.difficultyCost = "lolwhat"
Code: Select all
-- Science pack options used. Controls recipes, outputs, etc.
-- Points at the folders inside tweaks.
-- Options: vanilla, cheaperAlienV, bobsmods
-- vanilla: Uses new science intermediate products. Uses new tiered labs.
-- cheaperAlienV: Same as vanilla, but gives x30 alien science packs per alien artifact, up from the usual 10.
-- bobsmods: Uses new science intermediate products, with the recipes updated to use products from Bob's mods. Uses new tiered labs. Special case: Will default to 'vanilla' if Bob's mods is not installed.
sciencecosttweaker.options.sciencePackConfig = "bobsmods"
-- Difficulty factor of research cost adjustments.
-- lolwhat, noadjustment, normal, extended
sciencecosttweaker.options.difficultyCost = "normal"
-- Difficulty factor of alien evolution rate adjustments.
-- biterinabarrel, allthetimeyouneed, normal, noadjustment, swarm
sciencecosttweaker.options.difficultyEvo = "normal"
New intermediate products do not work with productivity modules.
Future Plans
Get some proper graphics for the new intermediate products and new science labs.
(Unsure) Add new research for specific 'chokepoints' which require special science packs / products, non-craftable but found through exploration.
(Unsure) Integration with Homeworld mod. Tier 3 and Tier 4 science packs require components only obtainable from the homeworld.