How to know what items lie on a belt?
How to know what items lie on a belt?
Apparently, due to optimisation, command of looks: surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area, name = "item-on-ground"}) returns only stacks, that actually on the ground and not the belt. How can I get item stacks from belts?
Re: How to know what items lie on a belt?
Sounds like what you need, haven't tried it.New object LuaTransportLine, accessible from entity as read method get_transport_line(index) - an interface to the items on transport belts.
Re: How to know what items lie on a belt?
Thanks. Did it the other way.
Code: Select all
--counts items with particular name up to max_count
function cyberchest.get_count_on_ground(self, item_name, max_count)
if not self.ground_collection_allowed then return 0 end
local area = {{self.entity.position.x - 5,self.entity.position.y - 5}, {self.entity.position.x + 5, self.entity.position.y + 5}}
local belts = surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area, type = "transport-belt"})
local count = 0
for _, belt in pairs(belts) do
if count >= max_count then --stop when enough
return count
count = count + belt.get_item_count(item_name)
return count
--removes items with particular name
function cyberchest.remove_from_ground(self, item_name, count)
local area = {{self.entity.position.x - 5,self.entity.position.y - 5}, {self.entity.position.x + 5, self.entity.position.y + 5}}
local belts = surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area, type = "transport-belt"})
for _, belt in pairs(belts) do
if count == 0 then return end
local b_count = belt.get_item_count(item_name)
if b_count > 0 then
belt.remove_item({name = item_name, count = math.min(b_count, count)})
count = count - b_count