[0.11.22][Twinsen]missing total raw not highlighted correct

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[0.11.22][Twinsen]missing total raw not highlighted correct

Post by boro »

Notice that copper plates and lead plates are not highlighted in the total raw required (bottom right) even though I don't have enough.
factorio20.jpg (286.67 KiB) Viewed 8487 times

After I pick up steel, processing units and iron plates, it highlights the next missing item (lead plates) but still not the missing copper plates.
factorio21.jpg (327.49 KiB) Viewed 8487 times

edit: after I then pick up the lead plates, I have enough to build the steam engine because the copper plates are used for circuits+advanced circuits of which I still have some but that shouldn't be relevant for the missing lead plates in the first picture.
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Re: [0.11.22] missing total raw not highlighted correctly

Post by Twinsen »

Can i get the savegame for this? It's hard to reproduce
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Re: [0.11.22] missing total raw not highlighted correctly

Post by boro »

Here https://www.dropbox.com/s/2y834o48wftnj ... d.zip?dl=0

I'm running dytech, waitex, landfill and explosive termites
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Re: [0.11.22] missing total raw not highlighted correctly

Post by Twinsen »

In your savegame, you actually have 125 Lead plates, but 25 are reserved for the Frame you are crafting in the crafting queue, frame which will be used to craft the Steam Engine if you add it. I added the missing red resources and it worked correctly.

So, unless you have something to add, I will say that this is working as intended.
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Re: [0.11.22] missing total raw not highlighted correctly

Post by boro »

No, when the crafting queue is empty it is exactly the same. Here's a new savegame so you won't have to wait 3 minutes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y282arn0icxxj ... 2.zip?dl=0
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Re: [0.11.22][Twinsen]missing total raw not highlighted correct

Post by Twinsen »

This one is quite tricky. And we decided it it a minor issue and it will not be fixed yet. But thank you for the savegames, they were very helpful in reproducing and understanding the bug.
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