What did you do? Set a space platform logistics request to 0-0, so with a max of 0. I also have set on the cargo landing bay, a request asking for 20M of the science, and right now 0 of that 20 million is satisfied.
What happened? Nothing. When the space platform docked, it didn't drop the item. It just got stuck.
What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway! Previously, in earlier versions, the item would "force drop" assuming there was space on the planet below. I initially thought it was due to a lack of cargo bays. But then I built 1000 cargo bays on Nauvis and I still have the problem. I was doing this for hundreds of hours prior to 2.0.39
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes? I can reproduce this 100% of the time in the attached save file. There is a ship called "Promethium Ship P1" carrying a large amount of promethium science with the logistics set to 0-0, so max of 0. When it docks at Nauvis (in about 20 seconds after loading the file), it doesn't drop anything.
I can fix the issue by removing the 0-0 max request in the space platform. The landing bay still has the 20M request. All the science immediately drops in that instance.
Apologies but I can't seem to find my log file.
Save file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CBkd1E ... sp=sharing
Space platforms can no longer force drop items with a max of 0 as of 2.0.39 [2.0.39]
Re: Space platforms can no longer force drop items with a max of 0 as of 2.0.39 [2.0.39]
Duplicate of 127244 and fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.