Space hub "All requests satisfied" doesn't count unload requests.

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Manual Inserter
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Space hub "All requests satisfied" doesn't count unload requests.

Post by Kolt93 »

"All requests satisfed" (and i presume "request satisfied" too) condition is true even if a logistic request limit of an item is exceeded.
Platform has a request of 1000 sience from Vulcan and a request of 0/0 same sience from Nauvis. Platform has a wait condition "All requests satisfied" for both planets. It will sucessfully load 1000 science at Vulcan but it will just skip Nauvis as it considers 1000/0 request as satisfied.
I say, if a request has a limit, it should not be considered "satisfed" if it is exceeded.
It would be so handy to manipulate space logistics by just creating requests for load and unload, but now i have to manually make an "item count" condition for every item along with a 0/0 request for the same item to unload it from space.
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Re: Space hub "All requests satisfied" doesn't count unload requests.

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however that is working as intended. Requests are only the request to deliver more items, not the order to trash things into the trash slots.
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