Adjusting window size via numbers

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Adjusting window size via numbers

Post by Kc_spot »

I want to be able to go into the options and put in a specified window size and have the game adjust to that.

Currently the game boots into fullscreen mode and there is no options for precise control over the size of the window after getting it out of windowed mode.
Being able to ACCURATELY have some sway over the size of the window instead of guessing via resize would be a boon.
For me personally it help when streaming... i only have one screen to stream from and it would help with that a lot. There may b e other reasons for this change... but my frustration right now isn't allowing me to think of them.
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Re: Adjusting window size via numbers

Post by eugenekay »

This is sort of a Generic “Desktop Manager” feature, if not operating in Fullscreen mode.

When operating under Windows, I like the FancyZones feature of PowerToys; it supports infinitely customizable “Areas” that you can place any Window into, perfectly sized for Stream Capture + Live overlay views, at your screen resolution.

Good luck!
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Re: Adjusting window size via numbers

Post by Kc_spot »

I'm just simply suggesting it so that we don't have to use external means.
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Re: Adjusting window size via numbers

Post by Klonan »

Kc_spot wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 6:54 pm
I want to be able to go into the options and put in a specified window size and have the game adjust to that.
We don't have anything in-game at the moment, but you can specify a window resolution in the launch options:
02-25-2025, 20-31-08.png
02-25-2025, 20-31-08.png (58.26 KiB) Viewed 209 times
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Re: Adjusting window size via numbers

Post by Tertius »

Additionally to the --window-size option mentioned by Klonan, I use a little Autohotkey 2.0 script to manage my Factorio window.

The functionalities are active while Factorio has focus, they're inactive if it doesn't have focus.

ALT-V resizes it to 1920x1080, where 1920x1080 is the client area and not the whole window (the whole window is larger), so if you capture a windowed Factorio with OBS, you get an exact 1920x1080 sized source as if that were fullscreen. Useful if your monitor resolution is higher than 1920x1080 but you want to stream with 1920x1080.
Careful: you need to edit the script: 5120 is my horizontal monitor resolution. Edit for your setup accordingly.

ALT-0 does the same, but for 1280x720.

And it pulls the Factorio window to the monitor top if it gets focus, so it is vertically maximized by Windows 11. If you don't want this, remove the CheckFactorio() function and the SetTimer(...) call.

And it deactivates ALT-F4 while Factorio has focus. There is a reason for this.

I hope it runs in general, it's cut from a larger script of mine with tiny tweaks for all kinds of apps and games I run.
Autohotkey script
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