[2.0.32] Cannot build large platform at once

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[2.0.32] Cannot build large platform at once

Post by IceTDrinker »


Trying to build a large platform results in a "Cannot build in uncharted area" in space, which sounds rather weird, also makes building a large space platform a huge pain as it seems we can force build but only in the reachable area.

Could not find a topic (but I guess I could not come up with the right keywords again...)

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Re: [2.0.32] Cannot build large platform at once

Post by robot256 »

Unfortunately this is considered not a bug. Dupe ref: 118940

I don't see a suggestion thread to fix this yet.
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Re: [2.0.32] Cannot build large platform at once

Post by IceTDrinker »

What a very odd take on that, there is absolutely no power/advantage in getting vision in space 🤨
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Re: [2.0.32] Cannot build large platform at once

Post by eugenekay »

There is a Performance Tradeoff with Large Platforms (by Width) - Asteroid Spawning, Turret Enemy Tracking, Weapon and Asteroid Debris drawing, and finally Chunk Grabber Navigation - all of these take up a good part of CPU time each tick. With larger platforms this gets worse and worse - my 640-tile-Wide Hypercube only manages a crawl.

So, the Explored Space on Platform surfaces is not “infinite”, and does not auto extend when scanned by the Player or a Radar - it is only as large as your Platform. If your Platform does not extend beyond the initial 64x64 “explored space” then you will need to…. Make it bigger?

Workaround: You can partially place a Blueprint while holding “Shift” - only the reachable parts will be applied the first time. Wait a few seconds for the surrounding chunks to get “Explored”, then Paste again.

Good luck!
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Re: [2.0.32] Cannot build large platform at once

Post by robot256 »

Building large platforms by blueprint has more than one problem--it is (or was?) also possible to get stuck when the platform requests too many items before building all the space platform tiles, and runs out of room in the hub without any tiles.
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Re: [2.0.32] Cannot build large platform at once

Post by IceTDrinker »

I ran into the deadlock issue.

As for the explored part they can just make it buildable without having the full processing done on the tiles, but I'm guessing this is not easy depending on how the code is organized and uses the surface logic for building stuff

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