Code: Select all
Item | Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5
Inserter* | yellow | blue | green | white | n/a
Belt | yellow | red | blue | green | n/a
Assembler | gray | blue | green | n/a | n/a
Furnace | yellow | gray | blue | n/a | n/a
Rockets | yellow | red | green | n/a | n/a
Circuits | green | red | blue | n/a | n/a
Quality | gray | green | blue | purple | orange
This is really weird for consistency's sake. It seems like color consistency was attempted. Yellow and gray are usually lower, red is usually middle, and blue or green are usually higher. (except green circuits)
I think it'd be a lot more intuitive if every tier # corresponded to a color. Everything tier 1 was yellow or whatever. I don't care what the color is, much less that they're all consistently ordered.
PS Modules also throw a wrench in this, but their tier dots are sufficiently intuitive, so I'm not bothered by them.