So just realized you can't set platform requests via circuit. I was wanting to do this to request biter eggs while I still have promethium chunks.
Anyone know a good trick for controlling a request to a space platform?
I wanted to have my promethium science ship remain at Nauvis until it runs out of science packs, then go get chunks, then come back and request eggs until it runs out of chunks.
Platform Request Biter Eggs On Demand
Platform Request Biter Eggs On Demand
Last edited by adam_bise on Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Request Biter Eggs On Demand
I could just read the egg request and also read if promethium science is below a number. I already have a requester set to pull in all eggs to a line of heating towers while no eggs requests, and disable the inserter that puts them into buffers. But I was curious what others have come up with. Also I do plan to have more than one promethium chunk vessel
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Re: Platform Request Biter Eggs On Demand
You could do it from the other side. Just stop takings eggs out of the nests when there's enough science in the planet-side buffers. They don't spoil while in the nest.