Internationnal French PLZ

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Internationnal French PLZ

Post by aRatNamedSammy »

i just want to say.. to those who translate... PLEASE DONT FORGET your french is not the ONLY GOOD FRENCH... (not related to factorio, but this is because of bad dudes i met in other games)
what i mean, the combinator will be release soon, so , like for logistic, i WILL need a good translation, so PLEASE, PLEASE, think to use an INTERNATIONNAL FRENCH, which could be understand by ANYONE WHO SPEAK FRENCH on the damn planet! (even outside :lol: )
the "Sacro-Sainte Academie Francaise" is good in France, but not really around the world ;) ... Google is bad too to translate things like the logistic system
tks a lot
Teeth for Two (so sorry my bad english)
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by FishSandwich »

You can contribute if you're worried about that: ... =12&t=5486
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by sillyfly »

I assume you mean Canadian French? I know nothing about French or the difference in dialects, but if there is a significant difference it may be best to have two French translations for the two different dialects, and as Fish said - you can help by starting the new one :)
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by aRatNamedSammy »

i doubt i could be of any real help.. i mean, i only know little in english, ,.. verbs are hell for me.. worst with expressions
i dont ask for my regional translation ( i kow its always funnier with ) but sometimes, i read things like its a rocket scientist who write it (like, you need to translate his translation)
i dont ask for a street talk too :shock: .. just something for everyone
Teeth for Two (so sorry my bad english)
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by Koub »

Actually, if you need a French from Canada version, I think people who want it should make a French (Ca) version. It would be too hard to try and make a Fr version that's totally compatible with every different FRench versions that are spoken around the world.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by aRatNamedSammy »

i m giving my little vote on the site for what i can help.. but what i mean is, the possibility's the logistic give, added with the new combinator, will be something that required a whole wiki just to give exemple of what you can do with it (the flashing leds the dev's show us in the ff is a perfect exemple) .. but to be able to use it even just a little, i need at least some help to understand how it work, then after only ill be able to give my little "grain of sand" ..

btw, i dont really need a Ca version, just something that fit where it goes :lol: ..
Teeth for Two (so sorry my bad english)
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by Blaustein »

As a french canadian (we don't call ourselves that, but it seems the rest of the world don't give a damn about the name "Québec"), everywhere I go on the internet looking for a french article on something, a french website or anything at all in my tongue, there's always a mention like "in France, we..." or "in France, this is...".

French -from France - have a very dire problem of chauvinism. They act on the internet like they own the place with all their cultural references completely misplaced in every other place in the world. I guess that centuries of colonialism and imperialism don't wear off so easily. I almost never play games (or go see movies) in french anymore since it just makes half of the Québec facepalm every two words. Mockeries apart, the game could, yes, use a more reflected french translation, even if so far, I've seen much worse.

The real, big problem right now IMO are the grammatical faults. They're not that numerous, but how the hell did they even made it to the game? The translation needs a grammatical review before everything else. If the game was to be released tomorrow, the french VG critics would have enough ammo with this alone to lower the review by 15-20%. Please be serious, translators, when you do your job. You can't translate "Graphics" by "Graphiques" in the menu. A "graphique" is a demonstrative x/y diagram, like a pie chart or a function graph. Graphics about a game are translated "Graphismes". And if you don't believe the difference is big enough to worry about it, try to believe in the Catholicism church rather than the Catholic one. We good, are your eyes bleeding too? Great. The names of the researches in the tech "tree" are also way too litteral. You can't just translate the expression word for word and add an article here and there to make a epistemological bridge between the words. It's like you've just been on google trad and didn't looked at the result, or as if you want to keep the original meaning so much that you sacrifice overall coherence of the sentence. "emplacement(s) de poubelle logistique du joueur 1" is just... no. Just, no. I could go on like that forever, but you get the idea.

Anyway, great work so far, but a lot is still to be done.
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by Koub »

Actually it's hard to find people who are skilled enough both in English and French to make a really good translation. TBH, it's even difficult to find people who are good enough in their mother language to write anything these days (at least in France), let alone English, which is not as easy to master as it may seem first place. Maybe is this the reason why translator is a profession, and every time I see something translated from French to English and the reverse, I want to tear my eyes in pain.

I confess I haven't even tried the game in French, because I know my eyes will start bleeding the second I'll start reading litteral google translations, but also because if I start using the French version, my vocabulary will start divergind from the one most people use in the world, and reading how-tos will become really tedious.

Regarding the chauvinism, imperialism, colonialism, and all this bullshit, *maybe* does it have something to do with the fact that France is supposed to be where the French came from, the same way German came from Germany, English from England, and so on ... I'm sure people from Québec are more concerned about that 250 year old former French colony thing than French are, because well France is not really a colonial country any more.

So yeah, maybe a random Québecquois telling a random French "my French is better that yours" will result in some form of incredulity and/or hilarity. Because one of the worst things we French people experience when watching a movie in French, it's when it's a Québecquois version of the movie.

A final note on the above paragraphs : I consider the argument between Québecquois and French closed. A statement was made, it has been answered. If there is more of this in the next posts of this topic, I will use my godly moderator powers to slice and dice, and remove any kind of criticism from/towards anyone, including mine. Let's keep this a topic on French translation and not a fight between French and Québecquois. I'm available via PM if needed to discuss the thing personally.

Now back to the topic. The reason why I didn't get into re-translating the game in French is because if I do it, I want to do it alone. There's no worse thing than several people translating the same concept with different words in the same game. If there is interest in a good French translation, I can do it. However, I know that French from France and French from Québec have notable differences. So I can make a good French version, but it will be with ... French French :)
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by Blaustein »

Concerning the "fight", I really was just messing around :D Don't worry, I know this is a very complicated situation. Concerning the translation, I'm in the same boat, but I also think that to translate correctly we have to take in account the facts. Which, for now, are that yes there are major differences sometimes in both our section of the french language, but there aren't enough of them to be worth a second translation, which would be tedious to prepare for the amount of work it's worth. The one used right now is okay, though a bit lackluster. All I'm adding to this post is that I'd be interested, like the people who started the topic, to see a less French and more worldly translation. I'd gladly do it myself but for now I'm knees deep in university stuff and I'm dying inside. Which is not cool.
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Re: Internationnal French PLZ

Post by fregate84 »

je serais ravis de changer les traductions si certains ont de meilleurs idées.

Certaines traductions françaises sont déjà beaucoup plus claire que les anglaises, mais on peut toujours progresser.

Il faut rappeler que l'on fait les traductions AVANT que le jeu ne soit upgrader, et donc on découvre comme vous tous les modifications effectué, et parfois, on découvre que dans le contexte de factorio, notre traduction est complétement pourrit !

De plus, certains traducteurs ne fond que des traductions 'googles', et il faut donc tout relire, ce qui est un peu pénible.
(exemple : 'la vitesse du laboratoire' à la place de 'la vitesse de recherche du laboratoire' ; ou encore 'Modificateur du dommages fluide' qui ne veut juste rien dire en français)
Il faut aussi vérifier la cohérence dans toute la traduction pour avoir toujours le même mot pour le même objet.
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