[2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

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[2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by geewizcc »

I've started playing on 2.0.28 and on my previous save and a new one I can't interact with the research queue. New items can be added but I can't rearrange or remove from the queue.

Screenshot of where new game with queue that I can't manage
12-23-2024, 15-41-05.png
12-23-2024, 15-41-05.png (147.89 KiB) Viewed 659 times
Game save where I got the screenshot from
(2.01 MiB) Downloaded 18 times
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Re: [2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however I can't reproduce any issue. When I hover over the technologies the X appears and clicking it removes it from the queue. Additionally I can click and drag to reorder them how ever I like.
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Re: [2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by Necrancy »

Im getting the exact same Issue.
I can select things to be placed into the research queue, but I cant interreact with the queue, cant cancel the queue and rearrange the queue. I also had a kinda similar issue when i was creating my world where if i was previewing the world, I couldn't change the seed number.
No mods other than space age. - Multiplayer
Issue seemed to resolve itself and return to normal function after a little bit
Last edited by Necrancy on Wed Dec 25, 2024 12:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by Rseding91 »

Can you go into control settings and click the reset button then see if that solves it?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by quadtree »

I've observed this issue, but only under very specific circumstances. When it happened, I was in multiplayer, and I was not the host. The host specifically tested and was able to reorder the research queue normally. When the issue happened, I was unable to move the tech being researched and the first 3 items in the queue. I was also unable to remove any of them from the queue.

I was able to move the 4th item in the research queue into any position. So for example I was able to move the 4th item to position 1 so it was the next item to be researched immediately after the current research finished. It seems that basically that when it happens the tech being researched and the first 3 items in the queue are sort of locked, but any item to their right can be interacted with normally. However even the sort of locked items can be dropped on, they just can't be the source of the drag.
12-26-2024, 22-56-52.png
12-26-2024, 22-56-52.png (189.46 KiB) Viewed 548 times
My first thought was that maybe the issue was DPI scaling, as I was at 175% scaling at the time (15" display, 2560x1440). However, changing UI scaling did nothing.

I didn't notice any other UI issues. Everything else seemed completely normal. If it matters I'm running Windows 10 with Windows UI scaling set to 150%. I've never observed the issue in singleplayer.
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Re: [2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by quadtree »

After some more testing I've figured out a couple more things:
- The issue is more that there's an invisible square in the upper left that blocks clicks. If you move the inventory window into the upper left, you can't click on it either. This also prevents you from for example renaming train stops. I think this is the same issue that was reported earlier with adjusting world gen seeds.
- Disabling Discord Overlay fixes it, even if Discord isn't in use and the overlay is invisible.

Therefore, at least in my case, I think what's going on is that Discord Overlay is somehow interfering with Factorio. The reason this is generally described as an issue related to the research queue is that the research queue is one of the few things in Factorio that requires clicking in the upper left. The other issue is that I think the size of the Discord Overlay is affected by Windows UI scaling, which makes the issue more likely to be noticeable on small, high DPI screens.
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Re: [2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by StrangePan »

We did some multiplayer and singleplayer testing with and without Discord with and without the overlay and were unable to reproduce the issue. It might be an issue with specific settings, specific OS and software versions, or some other setup I'm not aware of. If anyone else encounters this issue, please mention if you are running discord and, if you are, if disabling the game overlay fixes the issue.
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Re: [2.0.28] Research Queue can't be interacted with

Post by gCharp »

Just had this issue occur to me midway through a save. It was in fact a temporary issue with the discord overlay. I opened the overlay (shift+`) and closed it, and the issue stopped. I'm not sure what triggered it to start misbehaving.
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