Quality upscaler

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Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:56 am

Quality upscaler

Post by Dergonic »


Upgrade your stuff in the easiest way possible
this blueprint allows you to upscale to legendary and / or build from basic ressources to legendary product.

Blueprint is available here : https://factoriobin.com/post/fhx9w0

How to use ? All is simple
- Paste the blueprint
- Select the item you want to produce/upgrade and the limit of them
- Connect the arithmetic combinator input to a robotport with a green wire.
You're done ! The upscaler will now start making the item in legendary quality !

Requester chests will graball the ressources needed from your logistic network.
Buffer chest is used as input to get all non-legendary item from your logistic network to convert them to legendary.
Is the top-right lamp (next to the storage box) green ? It means you reached the configured threshold

Inside explanation
All parameters are setup on the Constant combinatore
- "M" is the "M"ax item you setup on the parameters - The count where it will stop produce to spare ressources
- "B" is a limitation for the buffer chest not to over fill the belt
- "I" is a limitation of the assembler output also not to fill the belt
- "N" is for further improvement (I'd like to limit the recycling of noraml item and always keep some available)

I took the inspiration of this blueprint on internet, but it lacked limitation feature.
but cannot find the original post anymore. I'll update this post as soon as I know/remember who to credit ;)
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