Simple, compact, tileable fusion array (1.2 GW)

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Simple, compact, tileable fusion array (1.2 GW)

Post by jaylawl »

I am just getting started using fusion and made myself a little design that is both simple and compact. This design is not usable on Aquilo.

It produces 1.2 GW and is tileable. There is even some dedicated space for roboports in between.
For the sake of simplicity, these reactors only make use of a 300 % neighbour bonus. For immediate gameplay i do not care to get the maximum of 500 %, as fusion cells are extremely cheap and easy to create.
simpleTileableFusion1_2GW.png (738.97 KiB) Viewed 2361 times
tileableTiled.png (2.2 MiB) Viewed 2361 times
Maybe you can find a way to improve this. Enjoy either way.

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