Add special signals that do not sum up on wires and inputs

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Add special signals that do not sum up on wires and inputs

Post by feng »

New special signals (i.e. something like the blueish A-Z0-9) should be treated separately and not merge. That would lead to better signal handling on bus systems and when working with IDs.

Especially when working with IDs like on trains or on train stations it doesn't make sense that ID signals merge on wires as it makes them useless and pretty hard to work with. Only workaround is using tick cyclers and polling values on its own tick. But the more stations/trains you have, the slower it gets, You also can't save IDs in one memory cell. Every ID will need its own memory cell which blows up every circuit creation.
It would give us many new ways to play with signals if we can decide between merging and separating signals, like checking all trains at depot by ID or saving IDs in one memory cell to see which trains are en route. It would also work well with the other combinators like the selector combinator. Random value = pick random train from depot or Count Value = get number of available trains at once. Also deciders can work easily with it like checking if some specific train is back at depot. The advantage is you can do it all more easily in one tick without worrying about scaling and for sure it gives you also other ideas to work with signals.

How it is (red) and how it should be (green):
signals.png (2.3 MiB) Viewed 131 times
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