[Space Age] Orbital Request UI - Quality & Planet

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[Space Age] Orbital Request UI - Quality & Planet

Post by lckd »

Changing quality should not change currently selected "Import planet"
After playing a lot with space age platform, I find this behavior becoming more and more annoying.
In short, picking planet then changing quality will reset the selected planet.

Example: Requesting 100 Epic Solar Panel from Vulcanus
Epic Orbital Request.jpg
Epic Orbital Request.jpg (140.07 KiB) Viewed 189 times

When I want to change the quality to legendary, instead of keeping "Import from" selection on Vulcanus, it will changed to default import planet which is Nauvis
Legendary Orbital Request.jpg
Legendary Orbital Request.jpg (136.48 KiB) Viewed 189 times

It would be nice if "Import from" stay unchanged and independent from other settings.

Personally I find it frustrating to "forgot" the arbitrary order this UI/UX flow poses. Every time I want to import some quality stuff from certain planet, I almost always instinctively click the planet icon before the quality, which mean I need to redo it again after remembering to set the quality level I want.

Other settings like requested amount and minimum payload is independent from other setting, but why quality and "import from" should be dependent settings? Usually if certain planet have good quality stuff, then more often than not I'll upcycle in the same planet for better quality.

It's super annoying and tedious to upgrading quality of a request in orbital logistic request. Each request need additional "Import from" planet click,
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