The Lab/Biolad entities should allow attaching circuit wires to read contents, recipe and progress.What?
Attaching a circuit wire to a Lab or Biolab should be allowed. This should allow 5 things to be chosen:1) read contents
This should be obvious.The number of items currently in the lab just like in any entity with contents.
2) read recipe
This would output the number of science packs required for each cycle of the current research.
3) research completed as <X>
This would output the number of cycles finished for the current research.
4) research required as <Y>
This would output the number of cycles required for the current research, e.g. 10 for automation.
5) total required science packs
This one is a bit tricky. It should output the number of science packs required to finish the current research (rounded up) adjusted for the labs productivity and drain bonus as well as the science packs quality and freshness, if packs of that type are present in the lab. If no packs are present then assume normal quality and 100% freshness.
Even better this option could have an input field for the quality and freshness to use for each pack for the computation with an option to use current quality/freshness. Although that would be a long list with 12 science packs in vanilla. Maybe just have fields for freshness?
Calculating how many science packs research needs used to be simple: Take the total amount needed and adjust for productivity. The way modules now work depending on how many beacons are around adds a level of complexity. The drain bonus adds a second level of complexity. Quality adds a third level of complexity. All that can be calculated ahead of time so far and while being now way more complex than before it's still managable.But then comes the kicker, the freshness. That makes it basically impossible to calculate how many science packs are required to finish a research. And there is no way to calculate it with circuit logic as freshness can't be read, preventing this to be a feature request for the selector combinator.
Having the lab output the required amounts would be both informative as well as could be used with circuit logic to produce or request the required science packs as needed without buffering unneeded science packs. Especially science packs that spoil. I know that it would just be an estimate given how freshness works but it would be easy to request extra.