Add a sixth tier of quality above legendary.What?
Add a sixth tier of quality above legendary that is even harder to craft.It can only be crafted with the legendary recipe selected and needs to hit a +2 (or more?!) RNG roll in order to be crafted. As in if you have 2 common quality modules 1 in a crafting machine the chance to get it would be 1/10000.
It could be named Mastercraft, Cutting Edge, Godly.
Or tier 5 could be named mythic and tier 6 legendary.
Tier 6 items can not be used for crafting and intermediary items are non-craftable.
Unlock condition: Craft a legendary variety of EVERY item
The iconography uses a dice, which is supposed to have six sides, it's unsatisfying to see the fifth tier as the highest.I long for the endgame hard grind for quality :3