Cargo Hub/Bay Throughput Info

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Cargo Hub/Bay Throughput Info

Post by Mistaeks »

Make Cargo Hubs, Bays and Landing Pad display how many pods per second/minute they can accept.
11-16-2024, 11-38-16.png
11-16-2024, 11-38-16.png (1.28 MiB) Viewed 110 times
Underneath the picture of the relevant building, together with all the other information regarding the building, there should also be the throughput, preferably listed in pods per second.
To better inform the player, pod accepting buildings should display throughput by default. While making a factory, knowing how many X an assembler can make per second, or how many items a belt can move per second, or how much speed this beacon will give X building, is vital to a good user experience.

Giving me the good old "Too much can overwhelm the player" does not make sense in this instance, as this information is very lite compared to the countless new mechanics you have introduced in Space Age as a whole. If you're willing to give recyclers and quality to the average Joe, surely asking for simple throughput info on a building is not too much too ask?

Also how can you write that beautiful long FFF about cargo pods going into so much detail about the origin and development, but still not give us a simple throughput info on the hover-over?

Last also, can we get some dev to officially state how much the throughput of the relevant buildings actually is?

With regards, Mistakes
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Re: Cargo Hub/Bay Throughput Info

Post by kitters »


I believe your suggestion is a part of this suggestion.

By the way:
If I get mechanics right, cargo pad can have no more than three pods flying towards it (nevermind if pod just started or already landing). Bay can have no more than one pod flying towards it. So if 3+N pods are flying, no platform can send another, and pods fly for nearly 20 seconds.
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Re: Cargo Hub/Bay Throughput Info

Post by LTCat »

Agree. This confused me so much since there's NO in-game info saying there's a limit.
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