[2.0.19] Platform stuck requesting items, but never gets sent up

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[2.0.19] Platform stuck requesting items, but never gets sent up

Post by RusselRaZe »

11-16-2024, 00-30-03.png
11-16-2024, 00-30-03.png (4.57 MiB) Viewed 274 times
I have an image attached of my platform that transports items between Fulgora and Nauvis. It's stuck requesting Epic recyclers. I have 50 available in Fulgora, but they're not being sent up. For some reason, it's saying that 12 are on the way, even though the rocket size limit is 10. Despite it saying that it's on the way, I don't see the bots delivering it to a rocket. This also means that the platform won't leave even if the time limit condition is set because it's waiting for the request to be satisfied.

If I send it to Nauvis and then back to Fulgora immediately, it works properly (bots deliver 20 epic recyclers using two rockets, they get sent up, and the platform resumes its schedule)

I attached the save file if it helps. The platform in question is "Nauvis to Fulgora Platform" (rich text)
(41.14 MiB) Downloaded 13 times
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Re: [2.0.19] Platform stuck requesting items, but never gets sent up

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report. For some reason you don't have enough epic recyclers and rockets are waiting for full amount. I think they were used for something or disposed of while rocket requests were active. Not a bug.
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