[2.0.15] Unlimited build reach from train fuel menu

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[2.0.15] Unlimited build reach from train fuel menu

Post by TheBearKing »

When clicking on a locomotive, and selecting the fuel menu so your inventory is accessible, if you zoom in enough so you can see the map, you can build any item in your inventory, anywhere on the map. That is, you have unlimited build reach. To reach other parts of the map, just navigate there with the awsd-keys. Select any item from your inventory and build to your leisure. Deconstruction is not possible. That logic correctly marks the item to be deconstructed by bots.

I made a small clip while I am sitting inside a locomotive. I build outside my build reach for sure, but still close by. Outside of the clip I have also successfully build things in the core of my base which is 22 chunks in Manhattan distance away.
Me building outside of the max build reach from the train fuel menu.
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