Quick blueprint ingredients into logistics groups
So, What this would essentially be, is. You make a blueprint. maybe you use it alot like a smelter array. You then make an empty logistics group and then pop the selected blueprint onto the group, It'll then take all the ingredients that are always displayed on the blueprint. then put them into that group, allowing you to request the exact amount you need
I really want this feature for when I wanna make like. 40 wall blueprints. but always end up short on maybe turrets or something alike. This would prevent that as once I run out. I wont be able to make anymore segments which is less aggravating then only partially making a segment
Blueprint Logistics Groups
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Blueprint Logistics Groups
Hold blueprint in hand and click "Add section" with it. This will add a group with all items from the blueprint.
Then select edit button for the group to set multiplier for item number if you want to have items for placing the blueprint multiple times.
Then select edit button for the group to set multiplier for item number if you want to have items for placing the blueprint multiple times.
Re: Blueprint Logistics Groups
Omg thank you. I personally think this should be easier to come across. but yes that works <3 thank you!grossws wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 3:45 pm Hold blueprint in hand and click "Add section" with it. This will add a group with all items from the blueprint.
Then select edit button for the group to set multiplier for item number if you want to have items for placing the blueprint multiple times.
Re: Blueprint Logistics Groups
[Koub] Moved to Implemented.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.