Underground Belts 'Skipping'

Things that has been reported already before.
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Underground Belts 'Skipping'

Post by Silvador »

Over the last couple of weeks or so, I've started noticing an issue where the second underground belt gets 'skipped' when laying conveyor belts across another conveyor belt.

After some testing, I've found that it seems to only happen if A. I'm laying belts over a ghost, or B. there is already a belt immediately after where the second underground belt would place itself. If there is no ghost, or no belt in the position immediately after, the underground belts will lay normally.

In the image I linked, the top two belts were lain fresh, without a ghost or anything on the other side of the belt.

The next two were placed on top of a ghost. The two pairs after that show an example of the condition that causes the skip, and the result immediately below it. This happens regardless of how fast or slow I move the cursor to place the line of belts.

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1vq10txw ... jrb47&dl=0
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Re: Underground Belts 'Skipping'

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this is a duplicate of 118408.
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