[2.0.14] Personal robots can get stuck building Aquilo blueprints

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[2.0.14] Personal robots can get stuck building Aquilo blueprints

Post by ExtraTricky »

Log and save file attached. The save file is already in the bad state so no action needs to be taken. It was created by placing a couple instances of a 5x5 heat pipe grid blueprint on the ammoniacal ocean.

In the save file I have two personal roboports equipped so I should have a robot limit of 20. The personal roboports are fully charged. There is ice platform, concrete, and heat pipe in my inventory so the blueprint should be able to build. Only 15 robots are currently dispatched in the save, so anything unbuilt that's blocking other robots should be able to get a fresh robot dispatched.

Observed behavior: Nothing happens and the blueprint does not build. Manually placing some concrete under stalled bots sometimes gets it unstuck.
(10.07 KiB) Downloaded 14 times
Aquilo blueprint test stuck robots.zip
(1.64 MiB) Downloaded 13 times
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