Rail signal hover select doesn't work for same type signal at different orientation/direction

Things that has been reported already before.
Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:52 pm

Rail signal hover select doesn't work for same type signal at different orientation/direction

Post by sparr »

1. Place a rail signal.
2. With a rail signal still on your cursor at the placed orientation, hover the placed rail signal.
3. Observe attached rails display train direction and stopping locations, as expected.
4. Place another rail signal somewhere else in a different orientation, or just hover a differently oriented empty rail signal position.
5. Observe hover on that signal works as well.
6. Hover the first rail signal again.
7. BUG: Observe first rail signal does not display train direction and stopping locations.
8. Change your cursor to a chain signal, optionally with the mouse somewhere other than on top of the rail signal.
9. Observe the chain signal in your cursor reorients to match any hovered rail signal (possibly unexpected?) and the attached rails display train direction and stopping locations, as expected.
10. Observe that orientation persists when moving away from the hover, until you hover another signal or press R.

Generally speaking, it seems like each signal will reorient to match a hovered signal of the other type, but not of its own type.

The cursor remembering the orientation of the last signal you hovered, instead of the last orientation you set via inputs, may also be new / undesired behavior. I wouldn't have noticed if not for this bug, but now that I've noticed I think it will be annoying when I am making a bunch of similar direction selections in a large intersection and the cursor has seemingly arbitrarily changed direction based on what path my mouse took to get to the next signal.
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