[2.0.12] Logistic chest shows empty after chest type set to be replaced by robot

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[2.0.12] Logistic chest shows empty after chest type set to be replaced by robot

Post by senden »

What did you do?
Being on the Vulcanus, choose Fulgora surface, set the Buffer chest cursor ghost and set build order on top of the Provider chest with items inside.

What happened?
1. Chest is set for deconstruction.
2. Robots unloading chest.
3. Robot with Buffer chest awaiting on top of it.
4. On clicking on the chest it appears empty, even despite the fact robots still unloads items from it.

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
1. Chest is not being deconstructed and unloaded, but replaced in place.
2. Chest content is being visible.

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
- I was not able to reproduce it from the scratch in the new game.
- Even there, other Provider chests marked for deconstruction or for replacement with other type of logistic chest still shows their content.

Probably something is wrong with this specific chest?

In the save attached, on the Fulgora, right under the only one cupercapacitors facility the described happens for ±half a minute more.
10-30-2024, 00-49-10.png
10-30-2024, 00-49-10.png (3.2 MiB) Viewed 226 times
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(18.93 MiB) Downloaded 11 times
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Re: [2.0.12] Logistic chest shows empty after chest type set to be replaced by robot

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report however i am going to mark this as Not a bug. There are some types of containers that were directly upgradable but that was causing issues of the upgrade target not holding some data from the original entity so in those cases we had to make the upgrade to go the slow way around using an old technique of deconstructing and building new entity. Specifically in this case the issue arises around the buffer chest part since it contains filters and trying to record undo of upgrade would not be able to store old filters of the buffer chest.
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