Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Things that has been reported already before.
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Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by dragon_gawain »

I bring to you today two minor visual bugs! (plus one other)

The first I discovered on Gleba on a Slipstack. I checked other Slipstacks, but only saw this strange horizontal blue line on this one.
I was zoomed out 5 clicks (zoom all the way in, then scroll wheel back 5 times). Issue persisted after closing the game and reloading the file.
Blue line is not on a tile border.


The second one I'm not sure if it's a feature or a bug, but alt mode icons hide rail signals that are on raised rails. I first noticed it with the assembler seen in the photo, but also tested it with the filter icon on an inserter, and that icon also hid the rail signal.
Some further testing/observation revealed to me that alt icons also cover up the raised rail itself, which is making me think that it's more on the feature side than the bug side.


Lastly, and I'm not quite sure how this happened, and it may have been something that I did, but somehow a name I gave to a train stop got overwritten with a default name.
I had a few stops with this same name, and I'm pretty sure that the stop was in a blueprint (though with train stop names off) and at some point, the name got overwritten with a default name.
I'm not sure how it happened, and it was a quick fix with the 'rename all stops' feature, but it was weird, so I'm bringing it up. Sorry for the wild goose chase that this third point is...


1 other quick thing as a minor feature request (sorry, I know this shouldn't go here, but like, I'd rather make 1 post than 2? Posting things on the internet is scary... :? ) - I'd like to be able to open my inventory from map view. In particular, to make a deconstruction/upgrade planner, edit it to do custom things, then use it, or be able to pull a planner out of my inventory, without needing to put it on the hotbar.
Maybe another tab in the ghost cursor GUI that lets you look at the inventory?


Space age has been awesome so far! Thanks for all the work you've put into it, it really shows! From the gameplay to the music to the art, it's all amazing!
Raised track signal 2
Raised track signal 2
Screenshot 2024-10-29 182758.png (1.04 MiB) Viewed 704 times
Raised track signal 1
Raised track signal 1
Screenshot 2024-10-29 182749.png (1.1 MiB) Viewed 704 times
Gleba blue line
Gleba blue line
Screenshot 2024-10-28 222235.png (284.37 KiB) Viewed 704 times
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Re: Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by vadcx »

viewtopic.php?p=628050#p628050 blue line is fixed in next version ;)

idk about other stuff
(sorry, I know this shouldn't go here, but like, I'd rather make 1 post than 2? Posting things on the internet is scary... :? )
Your gut feeling was right, post it as separate threads in suggestions and bug fixes accordingly (read pinned threads to better understand what might be needed). Then cut out the text from here or it'll get lost among other threads. See you soon! :P
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Re: Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by dragon_gawain »

Will do! Thanks for pointing me to the right place!
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Re: Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by StrangePan »

Hello, thanks for the detailed post!

For #1: The blue line above some sprites should be fixed in the next release.

For #2: It is intentional that alt-mode icons draw atop other buildings, even elevated rails. If there is a change you'd like to suggest, please post to Ideas and Suggestions. viewforum.php?f=6

For #3: The train stop issue might be a bug, or it might have been a user error… it’s hard to say without reproduction steps. If you encounter this issue again, can you try to isolate the specific steps that caused it and create a separate bug for it? (And please attach your log file and save file.)

For #4: Accessing your player inventory from remote view is definitely something a few others have asked for. Here’s an existing post that you can comment on if you’d like to add your voice rather than create a duplicate suggestion: 117054

It’s difficult to organize posts containing multiple different reports and suggestions. I’ll file this thread according to the original title and mark it as a duplicate. If you would like, please create new posts in the appropriate forums. Thanks for playing!
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Re: Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by dragon_gawain »

My pleasure! I'll always try to make my bug reports as detailed as possible!


Thanks for fixing the blue line thing!


Cool, I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. I could see it going either way :shrug:. I had only noticed it cause I was checking my raised rail and wondering "where the hell is my signal? I'm sure there's one here...". I think it's fine the way it is. In general, I'd prefer being able to see alt mode icons. Maybe a feature that signals show above when you're holding a track/signal in your hand? (I'll consider posting that as a suggestion if I think it's worthy)


For the train stop thing, it was tough for me to try to reproduce it because I didn't know when it happened, so I couldn't easily load an autosave and watch it happen...
I can try to do some experimentation to see if I can reproduce it, but if no one else ever encounters the issue, it's probably safe to assume it was user error.. somehow.. It going to a default train stop name is the confusing bit for me..
Anyway, I'll make a new post (including a copy of my save) if I encounter it again/find a way to reproduce it!


For the inventory in map thing, I uhh, already made a duplicate... I had tried to find it in the posts, but there's a lot (as I'm sure you're aware :lol: )

This is the one I made if you want to file it as a duplicate: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=118508


Thanks again for all the hard work you've put into the game!
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Re: Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by dragon_gawain »

I figured out the stop renaming itself thing!

I have a blueprint that has a train stop in it, and by accident the 'train stop names' checkbox is ticked. So, when I upgraded my rail blueprint book to include roboports and stamped around the new prints, including on the loading stations, I overwrote the names. (this caused a few issues in my base such as trains going to wrong stops, but foresight prevented that from being an issue again as I put filters in all my trains so that they could only take in the items I wanted them to).

Anyway, I'm 99% sure that this is the case, cause I just not too long ago updated more of my legacy loading stations, only to see the exact same thing happen again (after I checked in on it a while later wondering 'why is the stone line empty...?').

Anyway anyway, train stop renaming thing was a total user error thing, so it can be safely ignored.
Sorry for the false report.
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Re: Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by stormaes »

StrangePan wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:11 pm Hello, thanks for the detailed post!

For #1: The blue line above some sprites should be fixed in the next release.
Hi! I have experienced the blue line:
11-10-2024, 14-01-36.png
11-10-2024, 14-01-36.png (268.28 KiB) Viewed 530 times
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Re: Minor graphical issues - blue line on Gleba, alt mode shows above raised rail signals

Post by dragon_gawain »

What version of the game are you playing in? The issue was fixed 2 patches ago (I think it was 2 patches ago, not fully certain.. 2.0.14 I think is when it was fixed)
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