[2.0.11] Train stuck when remote driving

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[2.0.11] Train stuck when remote driving

Post by ddrandom »

When remotely driving a train in manual mode, occasionally train would lock up as if it were fighting your movement. It seemed to be associated with trying to start moving while also holding A or D to switch rails. The train should accelerate normally when holding forward/back and turn at the same time, but when remotely operating sometimes the train does not accelerate and stutters in place. The bug is not consistent, happening relatively infrequently. The included video shows the bug happening (please ignore my friend's voice asking for more blue belts). I was on Vulcanus and driving a train on Nauvis. I try to move forward and the bug occurs for a short time, then succeed in moving forward. I then try to move backwards onto the side rail, and the bug occurs for an extended period of time, and continues until I release S and D.
Train Remote Control Bug.mp4
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Re: [2.0.11] Train stuck when remote driving

Post by boskid »

I managed to reproduce this, it looks to be realted to latency state and vehicle latency hiding.
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