[2.0.11] Space platform's logistic request processed incorrectly

Things that has been reported already before.
Manual Inserter
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[2.0.11] Space platform's logistic request processed incorrectly

Post by nononame »

The situation:
1) There is one rocket silo on a planet with 2 completed rockets.
2) Threre is the only platform in orbit of that planet with logistic request to deliver 1000 science packs.
3) There are more than 2000 science packs in active provider chest whithin one roboport with logistics bots.
4) Silo is not wired to anything.
I turn silo to accept automatic requests from space platform.
This request appears in the silo.
Bots load 1000 packs into rocket.
Rocket launches and request in silo dissapears.
Before rocket arrives at space platform the same request in silo reappears and bots again start loading.
When rocket arrives at space platform request in silo disappears.
If bots managed to bring 1000 packs during reappearance of request in silo than second rocket to platform is launched and I got 2000 packs.
If they didn't packs stucked in silo trash slots and bots stuck over the silo.
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Re: [2.0.11] Space platform's logistic request processed incorrectly

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this is a duplicate of 116949.
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