[2.0.11] Error in Train Stops tutorial when locomotive is open

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[2.0.11] Error in Train Stops tutorial when locomotive is open

Post by Widgeteer »

Very very minor tutorial crash that I could reliably replicate. TL;DR opening the train's remote view window before it spawns chest/coal/inserter causes the scenario to crash. No mods in use except Base Mod, Elevated Rails, Quality, and Space Age.

Steps to replicate:
1. Follow tutorial instructions up to the placement of the Locomotive.
2. Immediately after placing the Locomotive, click on the Locomotive to open the Remote View window.
3. Wait ~2 seconds. When the tutorial would normally give you the materials to complete the next objective, it instead returns the following message:

Code: Select all

The scenario level caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the scenario author.

Error while running event level::on_tick (ID 0)
__level__/control.lua:31: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	__level__/control.lua:31: in function 'give'
	__level__/control.lua:135: in function 'init'
	__core__/lualib/story.lua:68: in function 'story_update'
	__level__/control.lua:369: in function <__level__/control.lua:368>
TrainTutCrash.png (280.53 KiB) Viewed 162 times
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Re: [2.0.11] Error in Train Stops tutorial when locomotive is open

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. This issue was fixed in 2.0.13.
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