Playing on Linux with the Wayland backend (not sure if it matters), when an achievement popup is shown - any tooltip already shown, or being displayed while the achievement popup is still shown, will be hidden behind other UI elements, such as inventory window, Factoriopedia etc.
Once he achievement popup disappears - tooltip is again drawn above other UI elements.
Let me know if there is an easy way to trigger an achievement popup so I can test this on 2.0.11...
[pard] [2.0.10] Achievement popup causes tooltips to go behind UI windows
Re: [raiguard] [2.0.10] (Linux/Wayland) Achievement popup causes tooltips to go behind UI windows
FYI, I was unable to reproduce it on 2.0.14. I guess it may have been resolved by some unrelated change, or possibly there are other conditions that need to apply.
The original report was also from a base game, and since then I moved to a fresh install of Space Age, so I guess it may also be related to fresh install vs. upgrade from 1.1, and/or base game vs Space Age...
The original report was also from a base game, and since then I moved to a fresh install of Space Age, so I guess it may also be related to fresh install vs. upgrade from 1.1, and/or base game vs Space Age...
Re: [raiguard] [2.0.10] (Linux/Wayland) Achievement popup causes tooltips to go behind UI windows
This isn't Linux or Wayland specific, moving back to bug reports.
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Re: [raiguard] [2.0.10] Achievement popup causes tooltips to go behind UI windows
Similar thing happens when Tips&Tricks popup appears - 116570 New tip messes up tooltip layering.
Re: [pard] [2.0.10] Achievement popup causes tooltips to go behind UI windows
This issue was fixed togeether with 116570