[Pard] [2.0.10] Rocket-launch achievements unlock before 50% joined time

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat May 25, 2019 1:28 pm

[Pard] [2.0.10] Rocket-launch achievements unlock before 50% joined time

Post by SuperTux88 »

When you join a multiplayer game late, you won't get any achievements before you were online for at least 50% of the total game-time. However, I was a bit surprised that the 3 rocket-launch achievement (launch a rocket, and the 8h and 15h variants) unlocked on the first rocket-launch, even if I still wasn't joined for more than 50%. So are the rocket-achievements special and is it intentional that they don't require the 50%? Or is this a bug?

This is a new standalone installation, so it didn't have any achievements. In other installations I usually already have these achievements, so I wouldn't have noticed it and I therefore also don't know if this was already the case for 1.1.x.
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