Když pojmenuju vlakou zastávku Palivo, a dám tam obrázek z kategorie nezařazeno - Parametr paliva
a ve vlaku dám podmínku aby do té zastávky jel při málo paliva, vlak v podmínce začne hledat zastávku s názvem (druhem?) paliva jaké má v sobě, a ignoruje ¨obrázek¨ zastávky, musím ručně přejmenovat aby se probral.
When I name the train stop Fuel, and put an image there from the unclassified category - Fuel parameter
and in the train I set a condition so that it goes to that stop when fuel is low, the train in the condition starts looking for a stop with the name (type?) of the fuel it has in it, and ignores the ¨picture¨ of the stop, I have to manually rename it to wake up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoDtlhZ ... n%C5%A0efl
[kovarex] [2.0.8] Train low fuel schedule trigger
Re: 2.0.8 - podmínka pro vlak
Post the save file and respect that the forum is English only.
Re: 2.0.8 - podmínka pro vlak
Uploading saves, i will write in english now, sorry.
- Attachments
- zelezosdadsa.zip
- (7.84 MiB) Downloaded 24 times
Re: [kovarex] [2.0.8] Train low fuel schedule trigger
Hello, I loaded the save, and after I fixed the wrong usage, it seems to work just fine.
When I reduced the fuel to less than 10 as in the interrupt, the train went to the solid fuel interrupt.
When I reduced the fuel to less than 10 as in the interrupt, the train went to the solid fuel interrupt.