Pretty much what it says on the tin, shift clicking weapons gives you:
10-22-2024, 17-36-01.png (440.95 KiB) Viewed 235 times
but if I click and drag a stack of weapons onto the weapon slot this happens:
10-22-2024, 17-36-52.png (162.45 KiB) Viewed 235 times
The slot still functions as a weapon and the effects don't stack or anything, but the bug isn't purely visual because I can take them back out and split the stack apart
Thanks for the report. This is all working correctly - the stack size of the weapons is > 1, however shift-click doesn't attempt to fill them past 1 because it has no benefit. If you do it manually that's fine - but you don't have a reason to other than just saying you have more than 1.
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