[1.1.10][Linux] Circuit network disables inserter wrongly

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[1.1.10][Linux] Circuit network disables inserter wrongly

Post by dikvangenuchten »

When I add a circuit condition to a inserter, the inserter stays disabled even if the condition is satisfied. It also stays disabled if the condition is not satisfied (as expected).

I added the blueprint and screenshot

Screenshot from 2024-09-18 11-15-25.png
Screenshot from 2024-09-18 11-15-25.png (489.58 KiB) Viewed 368 times
OS/Game details
I am on Linux (Ubuntu 24.04), I have not been able to test it on windows. I did recently upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04. Reinstalling the game from scratch did not solve it, however I do not believe the issue was present in 22.04. Game is installed from steam and is the "1.1.110 (build 62357, linux64)" in game.
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Re: [1.1.10][Linux] Circuit network disables inserter wrongly

Post by Bilka »

The inserter is also connected to the logistic network and that condition is false so it is disabled.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: [1.1.10][Linux] Circuit network disables inserter wrongly

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. I see where the confusion comes from. In this specific case inserter can be disabled by control behavior in 2 cases: first is disabled by circuit condition, second is by logistic network condition. Those inserters have both conditions and even if circuit condition is true, inserter remains off because of the logistic condition. Between button for circuit connection and close buttin inside of inserter gui you will find a logistic network button that when you press you will see a logistic connection gui where you can disconnect that inserter from logistic network and inserter will resume working.

Fact that logistic connection is not immediately visible upon opening that inserter is highly suspicious but given this behavior was changed for 2.0 where the logistic condition will show by default when it is enabled i am considering this "fixed for 2.0"
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