[1.1.107] Existing Blueprint - Select New Items for Blueprint - Saves even when not confirmed.

Things that has been reported already before.
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[1.1.107] Existing Blueprint - Select New Items for Blueprint - Saves even when not confirmed.

Post by Duncaroos »

I came back from a huge hiatus, so I was getting back into the game. I had a blueprint in the "My Blueprints" section of my character that had a old book that I collected some stuff on.

I was playing around with one of the existing blueprints, and I saw an error that I wanted to fix (had to add in some electric poles). I plopped the blueprint down, added the poles, went back into the blueprint, and selected the "select new contents for blueprint", selected the new contents, and saw the "new" blueprint.

If I do NOT select "Save Blueprint" to confirm the modification - the game still saves over the blueprint. Why does it do this?

For save, game log, screenshots, mod list (was only colorblind mods - turning off still had same issue), and blueprint book - see this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
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Re: [1.1.107] Existing Blueprint - Select New Items for Blueprint - Saves even when not confirmed.

Post by SoShootMe »

There's an explanation from a developer for the behaviour here. TL;DR: it's intentional but pragmatic rather than ideal.
Manual Inserter
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Re: [1.1.107] Existing Blueprint - Select New Items for Blueprint - Saves even when not confirmed.

Post by Duncaroos »

Thanks for forwarding that topic. I tried searching before paying but unfortunately couldn't find that thread.

I guess I'll ask what the last person asked, as it seems to have not been answered/addressed: Is there the ability to add an undo/revert feature?

Or at least put a warning in the tooltip?...just something to identify an action that cannot be undone....if I knew I would have made a copy first as I was just playing around.
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