[1.1.104] Big power pole wire disappears when zooming in in radar-view

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[1.1.104] Big power pole wire disappears when zooming in in radar-view

Post by Shuisman »

1. Zooming in on vertically-placed big power pole wires (while in radar-view-mode).
2. The wire disappears.
3. I think it should stay visible.
4. Always, but only when the wire is (nearly) vertical, and the poles are at maximum extent.
5. In sandbox mode: place two big power pole vertically from each other, at maximum distance. Zoom in on the wire in radar-view, wire disappears.

I made a video, pay close attention to the wire: https://youtu.be/AOYVuOmYV1c

This might seem like a small big (which it is, relatively) but can be frustrating for surfaces that are yellow/orange the wire is sometimes hard to check for connectivity, zooming in then makes it disappear, making it even harder to check connectivity.

Log file here if needed:
factorio-current copy.log
(20.71 KiB) Downloaded 30 times
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