Can't build on Landfill

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Can't build on Landfill

Post by evandro_6565 »

I remember that in the game you could place entities on landfills. but some mod is changing this, I wanted to know which entity property I can change. because a message "Cannot build on landfill" always appears
Last edited by evandro_6565 on Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: landfills

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Enable the option "Show mod owners in tooltip" from game Settings -> Interface, on the right hand side under the Tooltips section.
Next, open map editor (just do a new map), and select "Tiles" from the map editor tools, then use the search feature to find "landfill". Hovering your mouse over this here will show you what mods have made changes to that tile.

Ultimately, it's going to be something that has been changed with the collision masks, either on the tile, the entities, or likely both, so it won't be a quick and easy fix. But knowing which mod it is, you can either disable it, check the mod settings to see if there's a setting you can toggle for that, or post something to the mod's page requesting it be removed/an option given.

I know Alien Biomes makes a change to where resources cannot be placed onto landfill, but I don't think it affects regular entities. There's also a mod that prevents placing of regular entities onto resources, but shouldn't affect landfill. And typing that out reminds me: this could be the result of a mod conflict, too, if they're not working with the collision masks correctly.
My Mods: Classic Factorio Basic Oil Processing | Sulfur Production from Oils | Wood to Oil Processing | Infinite Resources - Normal Yield | Tree Saplings (Redux) | Alien Biomes Tweaked | Restrictions on Artificial Tiles | New Gear Girl & HR Graphics

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Re: landfills

Post by evandro_6565 »

I found the problem and it is in Transport-Drones-On-Asphalt mode
and I started disabling the modes from the list of modes that appeared in the editor and started testing them all.

Here is a snippet of the code

Code: Select all

-- inspired by drone-roads
local arci_prefix = "Arci-asphalt"    --"Arci-"
 -- set the acri road tiles to being drone road tiles
    for name, value in pairs(data.raw.item) do
        if name:find(arci_prefix, 1, true) == 1 then
            log("-----------------------------------------------------------Enabling "" as a road surface")
            value.is_road_tile = true
I changed this:
local arci_prefix = "Arci-asphalt" --"Arci-"

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Re: landfills

Post by evandro_6565 »

I checked the mode on the mod portal website and noticed that there is this problem in the discussion box

I don't know if I solved the problem well, I'll do some tests to see if I didn't leave it with bugs

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