Having trouble with Deconstruction planner

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Having trouble with Deconstruction planner

Post by flash1833 »

I’ve used the deconstruction planner in the past without issue. I got a new computer and now it isn’t working. I read the wiki to make sure I understand the commands and looked at the settings on my computer.

With a clean/new/unmodified deconstruction planner in hand I’ve tried left clicking and dragging. Also tried using shift or other keys. When I use shift left-click and drag it makes an orange box but never selects anything… nothing gets the red X for deconstruction.

All my other logistics stuff works fine both at base and with the mobile roboport.

Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks
Smart Inserter
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Re: Having trouble with Deconstruction planner

Post by mmmPI »

If you press Alt+D i think that's the default hotkey to select the decon planner, then dragging on the screen over some building with the left click should create a box a select what's inside for deconstuction. Same as if you select the decon planner by left clicking on the bar at the bottom of the screen. The box color should be red.

While using shift key first, and then dragging, you are actually trying to cancel the deconstruction of what's inside the selection box. The box color is orange as you said, but it's normal for it to has no effect in the case there is nothing scheduled for deconstruction that could be canceled.

You can try open your inventory and place a decon planner in it, the tooltip that appear when hovering give information on the hotkey to use, if for whatever reason they are not the default, or if it's configured in "tile selection mode : only" it would show there on the last lane, and it would cause the behavior you describe.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Having trouble with Deconstruction planner

Post by flash1833 »

You’re a genius! I, on the other hand am an idiot. So control-c was the hotkey but I was using it incorrectly. I was pressing control c before I had the decon planner in my hand.

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