[1.1.101] Furnaces don't report Output Full early enough

Things that has been reported already before.
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[1.1.101] Furnaces don't report Output Full early enough

Post by Gweneph »

An assembler's status will report Output Full as soon as they are full enough that inserters will not load additional ingredients into them. This makes sense and allows for easy diagnoses for why your machines aren't running. A furnace's status on the other hand, doesn't report Output Full until you've manually overstuffed them such that they don't have space in their output inventory to put the results. This makes checking furnace status confusing when it's being fed by an inserter. The furnace says no ingredients, but the inserter won't load the ingredient.
furnace "full" but not full enough to report Output Full
furnace "full" but not full enough to report Output Full
Image 422.png (260.56 KiB) Viewed 685 times
The furnace above doesn't report that it's full even though the inserter believes it is.
over stuffed furnace
over stuffed furnace
Image 423.png (306.15 KiB) Viewed 685 times
This furnace I overstuffed manually in order to get the Output Full status to show up.

Note that this came up in an accessibility mod that is reporting on machine statuses, so you can't just see the contents right next to the status.
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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2019 11:51 pm

Re: [1.1.101] Furnaces don't report Output Full early enough

Post by Gweneph »

I'm not sure which thread this should go on.
So to summarize, this isn't a simple issue due to the following combining:

1. recipes of furnaces are auto-selected based on the inputs
2. when there's no input, there's no recipe
3. when there's no recipe, the furnace doesn't check to see if one craft would have space since it doesn't know what the output would be. Especially since recipes with no output can (and do in mods) exist.

This could be resolved in both the case I reported as well as the duplicate topic by checking against all available recipes to see if any of the recipes would have space to craft, and if not, then reporting output full.

For things like voiders/crushers that have recipes that output nothing this would obviously never report output full. Hopefully, this suggestion could make the issue easy enough to resolve that it's worth it?
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