Why even have "crushed stone" back to stone? why not make all stone recipes just use crushed stone?

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

Moderator: Arch666Angel

Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:54 pm

Why even have "crushed stone" back to stone? why not make all stone recipes just use crushed stone?

Post by coffee_fiend »

I'm starting a new run that is an Angel Bob run. But I just realized how unrealistic it is to "reassemble crushed stone" to plain stone.

Why even have this mechanic when you could just make the recipes that use stone, use crushed stone instead? Which would make a lot of sense too. If you want to make stone pipes you'd normally have to crush it to gravel or sand anyways. Same is true for cement and so on...

But really what was the rationale behind this?

Unfortunately I can't find a mod that does this for them all unfortunately or I would just use it.

I guess I can try to make one myself and I might just do that.
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