FFF-315 follow-up?

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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FFF-315 follow-up?

Post by d_o_n_t_understand »

Waiting for new episodes of the new season of the FFF, I started to read some older ones and stumbled upon #315 https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-315

I wonder what the infrastructure side of Wube looks like nowadays. How many and what kind of servers do you run, how long does it take to build Factorio, run tests, etc.? Was there any follow-up on this?

If not, maybe devs can share some details?
Although I'm especially curious about the hardware side, any details of the software stack would also be very interesting. However, it'd be understandable if you prefer to keep it secret for security reasons.
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