First of all, thanks for this brilliant great game

I'm currently designing train blueprints based on a 50x50 layout, and I've noticed a strange behavior:
I select my rail section (crtl+C and old shift or via blueprint button), and I set snap parameters (as in first screenshot), if I remove an item from the blueprint with right click, the grid position change to (-20,-20). In general, and can import the item removed or re-added, the grid position change to the previous all even position: (-19,-19) becomes (-20,-20), (11, 3) becomes (10,2), (11,0) becomes (10,0) and (2,6) does not change.
Obviously, if I test to create the blueprint after this change, it fails because my absolute position remains odd.
I've also noticed that if I save the blueprint and then edit it to delete an entity, the issue doesn't appear and my blueprint remains aligned.
For the example, between the two screenshots, I simply deselected the rail signal on the top right and the grid position automatically changed.