Science packs are not reported consumed when loaders are used.

Things that has been reported already before.
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Science packs are not reported consumed when loaders are used.

Post by Wegge »

With the advanced loaders from Krastorio2 and enough beacons around the lab, consumed science packs do not show in the production stats window. The attached save file recreate the problem:

* Open the lab, to show that three science packs are consumed. The source count for basic and automation tech cards stay at 200, while the count for logistic tech card fluctuate.

* Now open the production stats window, and see that only the consumption of logistic tech cards are displayed, while in fact all three flavours are.

I have tried recreating the issue with other kind of buildings, but I have only manged to get a lab to display the behaviour.
Bugreport on consumed science packs not show as used in the productions statistics
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Re: Science packs are not reported consumed when loaders are used.

Post by Rseding91 »

Duplicate of 83579
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