Pyanodon changed tiles, how to fix them?

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Pyanodon changed tiles, how to fix them?

Post by Dragony »


I am playing pyanodon mod and it seems to have a bug.

My tailings pond has overflown and it has generated tiles, which also slow you down. They are burnable so I have burnt them, but now it looks even uglier and the tiles still slow you down. Black tiles with semi transparent tiles mix up and when I use the deconstruct planner on it there are some invisible new icons to mine, but they don't give anything. I suppose they are called ninja-trees in the mod?

It seems to stay that way, but I want to get it cleaned up. With that missing tile transitions it looks even uglier than before.

What can I do except using concrete? I want to avoid using concrete because I want to create a base on natural ground.

I managed to use the map editor and replace the tiles with grass (worked, tested it), but from that point it seems I cannot resume my save but have to start a new game based on that "scenario".

So I basically need a mod which is able to change tiles. Does anything like that exist?
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Re: Pyanodon changed tiles, how to fix them?

Post by Xorimuth »

From your save, you can enter the editor with /editor, do your file replacements, then run /editor to exit and resume playing.
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