What did you do?
I set up a headless linux server on my private machine. Complete new install, no old configs etc.
Created a save with all the mods on my local machine.
Uploaded the save and only the mods (no mods.json or mods.dat) to the remote machine.
Set the server port and verified its reachable.
Started server once to create these files.
Server starts, no errors, connects to matching server.
Restart to confirm no errors. Works.

See atached log for the whole log
What happened?
After the above steps where taken, i tried to connect to the server.
It hangs on this screen:

It simply times out. No error message on the server or in the logs.
What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
Connect to server, sync mods screen, joining server and loading mp map, play
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Happens allways
If you can reproduce the issue provide the exact steps!
See above
Attached current log and save used for this error.
Used different ports, tried clean install
Also have another factorio server running on the same machine. With less mods and have no problems connecting to that instance.
Thanks for any help