Anything that prevents you from playing the game properly. Do you have issues playing for the game, downloading it or successfully running it on your computer? Let us know here.
I have playing on my scenario called Advanced Factory that i would wanted to make for my future factorio mod "MindOrio" that was adding things from mindustry in factorio style. after a minute steam displayed an error and i checked the log file. at the end was "Trying to make chunk at unreasonable position [-32769, -5]" thing that maybe caused this error. i used teleport command from factorio wiki to teleport on place where the error happened. there was gigantic worms and very huge enemy bases. i dont know what caused this error but save unworkable anymore
You aren't supposed to be that far from the center of the map. By teleporting there you broke your save file; You'll need to load an earlier version of the save.
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